Dress Code (SMOD)

  • General Dress and Grooming Code: 
    a. Articles of clothing with pictures, emblems, or writings that are lewd, offensive, vulgar, or obscene, or advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs, or any other substance prohibited under Board Policy FNCA (LOCAL) are not allowed.
    b. Students must wear shoes. No beach-style flip-flops or house shoes will be allowed. 
    c. Hats, caps, and hoods may not be worn inside the school building during the school day. These items may be worn at other school sponsored events as determined appropriate by the principal or designee. 
    d. Doo rags, bandannas, and visors are not to be worn at school or at any school sponsored activities. 
    e. Sunglasses, or other glasses not required for vision correction, may not be worn inside the building. 
    f. Pants with holes or are frayed may not be worn. Garments must be hemmed or cuffed appropriately. 
    g. Athletic/gym styled shorts may not be worn except in PE/athletic type class. 
    h. Undergarments must be appropriately covered by a student’s clothing. 
    Standards for Student Conduct 11 
    i. Inappropriate appearance will not be allowed. Clothes should fit and be worn appropriately. Pants are to be worn at waist and with a belt (if the pants have belt loops), and shirts buttoned. All shirts shall be tucked in pants and/or skirts if they extend beyond the end of the student’s fingertips. Cardigan sweaters, pullover sweaters, and sweatshirts may be worn outside of pants and skirts. No sagging pants or oversized clothes are permitted. Underwear type shirts such as tank tops or muscle shirts are not acceptable and may only be worn with t-shirts under them. The decision on whether a style is appropriate will be at the discretion of the principal or his/her designee. 
    j. Tattoos or fake tattoos are allowed if they are not lewd, offensive, vulgar, or obscene, or advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs, or any other substance prohibited under Board Policy FNCA (LOCAL). 
    k. “Grillz” or temporary decorations on teeth are not to be worn. 

    Girls’ Dress and Grooming Code: 
    a. Girls will not wear halters, tank tops, tops that expose any part of the midriff, low-cut dresses/tops, short-shorts or excessively tight clothing. The neck opening on any type of dress, shirt, or blouse may not exceed the equivalent of the second button below the collar. b. Hair must not be rolled, tied in a scarf, or covered by a hat, bandanna, or a cap. Hair must not be dyed to extremes and haircuts that are unusual or bizarre such as lines, numbers, and design shapes will not be allowed. 
    c. Girls must wear brassieres or appropriate undergarments. 
    d. Pierced earrings may be worn on the ear(s) only. All other body-piercing jewelry is prohibited. Piercing in the ears must be of a nature or amount that is not distracting to the educational environment. 
    e. Skirts, dresses, and shorts must extend beyond the end of the student’s fingertips when standing. 

    Boys’ Dress and Grooming Code: 
    a. Boys must wear shirts with sleeves. The neck opening on any type of shirt may not exceed the equivalent of the second button below the collar. 
    b. Boys’ haircuts must be neat and in good taste. Hair may not be dyed to extremes and haircuts which are bizarre or unusual will not be allowed, such as lines, numbers, and design shapes. Mustaches and beards shall be acceptable if neatly trimmed. 
    c. Pierced earrings may be worn on the ear(s) only. All other body-piercing jewelry is prohibited. 
    d. Boys’ hair shall not be tied up in a scarf, bandanna, or covered by a hat, a hood, cap or visor.

    Standards for Student Conduct 12 Dress and Grooming Code Violation Procedure: One of the following procedures will be followed when students are found to be inappropriately dressed: a. The student will be given a change of clothing and the parent/guardian notified or, 
    b. Parents/guardians will be notified and requested to bring the appropriate apparel to school. If parents cannot come with a change of clothes, the student will be asked to change into clothing provided by the school or they will be assigned to in-school suspension (ISS) for the remainder of the day or until the problem is corrected. Repeated offenses may result in more serious disciplinary action. Appropriate discipline action shall be followed in all cases in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Absences incurred due to inappropriate dress will be considered unexcused.